Tag: customs
Ukrainian cuisine
Ukrainian cuisine is very much a part of the population's culture, lifestyle and customs. Well-known for its great diversity and amazing flavors, Ukrainian cuisine has had a number of influences including Russian, Polish, German and Turkish. Popular ingredients in the cuisine of Ukraine are meat, mushrooms, vegetables, berries, fruit and herbs. As Ukrainians are extremely hospitable their ...
A proverb is a brief saying commonly used by people and generally expresses a simple truth or practical principle. As with many cultures, Ukrainian proverbs frequently reflect the perceptions, lifestyle, customs, beliefs and inner workings of the community. Certain proverbs from Ukraine can be attributed to a particular individual whilst the majority of sources are unknown. By examining a ...
One of the best ways to gain insight and understanding into the ways of a nation is to take a deeper look at their folklore – and there is plenty of fascinating folklore in Ukraine! From fanciful dress to brightly painted eggs, the traditional Ukrainian folklore is usually an artistic expression of many of the fundamental beliefs of Ukrainian society.