Cycling Routes – Explore the Wonders of the Carpathians
The cycling bug seems to have bitten in Ukraine, with the never-ending essential tourist attractions to help keep general boredom at bay along the way. Depending on your budget during your cycling vacation in Ukraine a variety of accommodation can be found quite easily, from the local caravan park to modest motels and hotels, the choice is abundant. Numerous shops in Ukraine also cater for avid cyclists and stock basic equipment to ensure your cycling tour of Ukraine is memorable.
It has been said that the best area for cycling in Ukraine is the Carpathians. Although wild and untamed by the modern cyclist there is an abundance of both paved and unpaved roads suitable for experienced and inexperienced riders. As always there is a great thrill in entering uncharted territory, for unlike most cycle routes, the Carpathian trails are still relatively new, therefore not a lot of information is available about them. Yet, like with most unexplored areas there is always an opportunity waiting for someone to take the initiative and so slowly small private entrepreneurs and travel agencies are beginning to move in. For the time being the mountainous region and its beautiful views are still open to all those seeking the ultimate adventure by bike.
The naturally beautiful Carpathians are slowly being favored for the variety of short day trips, should you want to explore some of the local villages or towns in the area, to the more lengthy tours of up to 400km. A word of advice should you wish to go on a serious mountain bike trip: it would be best to first research a mountain bike tour guide, as most logging roads in the area are usually poorly marked or not even categorized, thus the chance of getting lost is relatively high.
Bike shops do not exist in this part of the country. Nevertheless, you may be fortunate to find basic accessories in some of the smaller general stores. Water can be obtained in most inhabited areas, but it is always handy to take along a few filters should you be in doubt of the water source you have decided to use. A reminder: filters are not available in Ukraine and so will have to be considered at the beginning of the trip. Regardless, this is a wonderful way to experience the different regions, cultures and the abundance of scenery – a must for anyone on bike!