Tag: mountain
Yalta is situated on a shallow bay facing south towards the Black Sea, on the site of an ancient Greek colony. It is said that Yalta was found by some Greek sailors many years ago who were looking for a safe shore to land on. Yalta is surrounded by many beautiful woody mountains. It enjoys a spectacular Mediterranean climate with many vineyards and orchards in its vicinity.
Yalta Mountain Forest Reserve
Ukraine is a country that is biologically rich in flora and fauna occupying landscapes of varying types, from rocky mass areas to mountainous regions. This has led to large-scale biodiversity conservation in an attempt to preserve natural habitats for future use, unchanged by human destruction and pollution.
Ukraine is a fascinating country to visit with so much to see and experience. Ukraine covers an area of 603,700 sq meters and has a population of 52 million. Countries such as Russia, Belarus, Romania and Poland border Ukraine. The climate of Ukraine is varied with areas enjoying a moderate-continental climate which is almost sub-tropical. The largest river of Ukraine is the Dnipro, which is ...