Bryanka – Discover the Geological Nature Sanctuary Staraya Zamkovkva
Located in the Luhansk Oblast, lies a city by the name of Bryanka. It is still known for the same business and industry that it was founded on - mining. The city covers an area of approximately three hundred and fifty-four hectares, with the Lozovaya River running next to it. The Luhansk Region is not just known for mining cities such as Bryanka, but for the beauty that can be found on the outskirts of the city limits.
Bryanka, often spelled as Brianka, was founded in 1889 as a simple mining
camp. Development and modernization soon followed as the coal mining
industry grew, but Bryanka was only officially given the status as an independent city in the year 1962. Before that, it was merely a district of Kadiyevka.
Kadiyevka is now known as Stakhanov. The main city, Luhansk, of the region
is almost 60 kilometers from Bryanka, but has an advanced railway network to
support its transportation system. Bryanka has a population of
approximately 64,000 residents, of which most of them work in the mining industry sector.
In recent years, six of the coalmines in the Bryanka region have been
forced to close down due to the lack of state funding. The city’s focus,
throughout its entire existence, has revolved around mining, and other
avenues of the industry have been explored. Bryanka has numerous companies
that now specialize in various drilling equipment, concrete products and
schools that are focused on the different aspects of the industry. Staraya
Zamkovkva, a site in the district that has unique rock formations, has been
declared a geological nature sanctuary. This initiative was founded by the
city’s council and an ecological organization named Pechenegi. Protecting
this site became crucial because of uncontrolled sandstone extractions.
The European Union is currently funding an educational project in Bryanka
called ‘Youth Works’. Its main objective is creating more successful youth
orientated projects within various districts. Pilot programs are already
running in the Donetsk oblast, along with cities and towns such as Bryanka,
Alchevsk, Stahanov and Luhansk, in the Luhansk oblast.
With so many ecological and educational projects being developed in
, the future of the city does seem a little brighter. Even if it is
not the booming mining city it was before, it can become a city of diversity
by discovering new industries and improving on what they already have.