Tag: currency

  • Train Stations

    Visitors to Ukraine have quickly discovered that the some 22 800 kilometers of railway network in the country is one of the best ways to travel. Not only is traveling by train in Ukraine inexpensive, but it is fast and reliable. In addition, you will find that almost every city, town and village can be reached by rail but not by air, whereas traveling by bus can be time consuming. Air travel ...

  • Currency

    The money in Ukraine may sound peculiar to foreigners, but it works in much the same was as the currency of most other countries. It is necessary to exchange your currency into UAH in order to get about the country effectively. Ukrainian money can be imported up to a limit of UAH1000 and exported up to a limit of UAH10 000 which makes it quite easy to get in and out of the country with ...

  • Exports

    Ukraine has a well-developed industrial base and rich farmlands. The country also has quite a lot of mineral resources which are drawn on for both local use and exportation. The main exports from Ukraine are ferrous and nonferrous metals, chemicals, machinery, fuel and petroleum products, transport equipment and food products. Currently the country's gross domestic product is an estimated ...