Tag: bird species
When one thinks of Ukraine, wildlife does not necessarily spring to mind as it would when thinking about a country such as South Africa. However, Ukraine has a number of protected areas and National Parks all aimed at preserving its natural splendors. Ukraine has quite a diverse landscape providing a number of habitats for a variety of species. Wildlife in Ukraine is certainly not scarce. ...
Chornomors'kyi Biosphere Reserve
The diversity of Ukraine’s landscapes as well as its immense biodiversity has led to the conservation and protection of 3.9% of Ukraine’s land. There are many different types of territories put aside for conservation, which is under the Law on Nature Conservation Fund of Ukraine.
Polis’kyi Reserve
If you are an avid bird watcher, the Poliskyi Reserve in Ukraine is a great place to visit. This massive area of protected land spans more than twenty thousand hectares of land and was established in 1968 in order to protect the natural forest-swamp ecosystems that abound here. The reserve is located in the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine and a part of its borders merge with the borders of ...
Cape Martyan Reserve
There are few coastal nature reserves in Ukraine which hold greater value than the Cape Martyan Reserve. Situated near the city of Yalta, this valuable reserve was established in 1973 and encompasses some 240 hectares of land. This vast natural area falls under the authority of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences. It is also situated near the Nikita Botanical Gardens, which is where ...